Bedat In Budapest
However, brand Bedat In Budapest are expensive. Therefore, most people use counterfeit brand �C imitation, if you want. Most of these imitations are in China, where labor is cheap and where the enforcement of copyright is made virtually non-existent.The fansionist can change the high-end Bedat In Budapest knockoff watches' style of their own accord very often because of the low price of the goods.
Bedat & Co. Watches Transaction History Feedback
US $248.89 x 1 piece
Review by Nayza Martinez From Israel Qyriat Byalik
Reviews Bedat & Co. Bedat No.7 767.010.300 Stainless Steel Case Swiss Watch

5 /
5 stars)]
The numbers display is extremely hard to read. Especially with any reflection of light on it. Numbers are a silvery gray, not black.
US $250.59 x 1 piece
Review by Jeanette Davis From Mexico Dostrito Federal
Reviews Bedat & Co. 304.051.109 Bedat No.3 Series Mens Watch

4 /
5 stars)]
The military time is extemely small. The leather band is very stiff and a wk later still the same. Expected higher quality from this brand and price.
US $259.89 x 1 piece
Review by Ann A From Anctil Lynn
Reviews Bedat & Co. Bedat No.7 768.020.630 Stainless Steel Case Swiss Watch

3.5 /
5 stars)]
i love this Bedat & Co. Bedat No.7 768.020.630 Stainless Steel Case Swiss Watch watch. it is a large watch, which i love,i do not like tiny watches that have no presence and you have to strain your eyes to see the time,not a problem with this one. this is a stand out piece but very tastefully done. this is my favorite watch and i wear it often.
US $240.59 x 1 piece
Review by Rick R From Netherlands Hooge Mierde
Reviews Bedat & Co. No.7 Series 767.010.300 Watch

3.5 /
5 stars)]
it's definitely worth to purchase, the Bedat Co No.7 767.010.300 watch is high quality, thanks!
US $249.99 x 1 piece
Review by Emma2 From United States Newyork City
Reviews Quartz Bedat & Co. 334.031.301 Womens Black Watches

3.5 /
5 stars)]
I do like this Bedat & Co. No.3 334.031.301 Black Dial Watch watch, but after wearing it a few times, one by one the seed pearls have fallen out. I do not abuse it, wear it to work, not to play...and they are almost gone.