Longines Elegant
Now if you want to add another marvelous Longines Elegant to your collection, you may find nearly the best place to have a good selection.The exquisite workmanship Longines Elegant are in hot sale on the market in different foreign countries. You are free to choose anyone of them according your personality , style and elegance.
Longines Watches Transaction History Feedback
US $268.99 x 1 piece
Review by Jan C From Queretaro Mexico
Reviews Longines L2.671.4.78.4 Water Resistant Watch

5 /
5 stars)]
Very Nice deal.
US $249.59 x 1 piece
Review by Jomimo From Australia Canberra
Reviews Longines L4.721.4.11.6 Automatic Stainless Steel Watch

4.5 /
5 stars)]
the hands on the Longines Presence L4.721.4.11.6 watch stopped moving, the wall charger never worked, the instructions are not usable, the driver is confusing, the timestamp won't come off, the cap to the usb is easy to lose, the watch looks nicer online, i just dunno what it does
US $268.89 x 1 piece
Review by brandon rapine From USA Playa Del Rey
Reviews Longines L2.701.4.78.6 Automatic Stainless Steel Watch

4.5 /
5 stars)]
This watch is beautiful. It is diffinetly an eye catcher. I where this Longines Evidenza L2.701.4.78.6 watch as my every day watch. This watch also looks fantastic dressed up. Its a rich watch! I have a small wrist, it fits beautifully. Very durable. It looks very expensive. The diamonds set it off complete. Highly recommend.
US $255.59 x 1 piece
Review by Lisa Warner From France Villeneuve Sur Yonne
Reviews Longines L2.707.4.16.2 36 mm 10meters (330ft ) Water Resistant Watch

4.5 /
5 stars)]
Great buy - Thanx !
US $255.59 x 1 piece
Review by eva mcfarlane From Mexico Guadalajara
Reviews Longines Flagship Series L4. Watch

5 /
5 stars)]
great Longines Flagship L4. watch my son has become a collector .he could never afford this watch at regular price.durability is great because he has several watches.the watch is so unique i purchased anothes for my daughter.