Numero De Serie Longines Master Retrograde 41mm
Numero De Serie Longines Master Retrograde 41mm is a more casual designer perfect for every day wear, but will carry on to the evening and a casual date. It targets younger people and older teenagers.The extremely costly authentic watches are scaling back the price tags to fight with the high-end Numero De Serie Longines Master Retrograde 41mm knockoff ones, but this method works not well.
Longines Watches Transaction History Feedback
US $259.89 x 1 piece
Review by Brenda Sanchez From Netherlands The Haque
Reviews Quartz Longines L2.640.4.51.3 Unisex Watches

4 /
5 stars)]
US $265.59 x 1 piece
Review by Thomas Hearty From United States Vero Beach
Reviews Longines Lyre L4.760.4.11.6 Stainless Steel Case Swiss Watch

3.5 /
5 stars)]
I was very excited to get this Quartz Longines L4.760.4.11.6 Unisex White Watches watch because its very simular to a popular watch in Brazil. The watch did not fit my wrist and my writst is not that large. Its a ladies watch. Back it went.
US $255.99 x 1 piece
Review by NAOMI RUIZ From USA Salem
Reviews Longines DolceVita Series L5.656.4.16.2 Watch

4 /
5 stars)]
I got the dark wood version. I really like it. I will admit when I first got it out and put it on, I wasnt 100% sure... but after wearing it a few times I totally love it. Great Longines DolceVita Series L5.656.4.16.2 Watch watch, its different and unique.
US $248.59 x 1 piece
Review by Tramiane McMillan From Canada Toronto
Reviews Longines BelleArti L2. Diamond Dial Watch

4 /
5 stars)]
As mentioned this watch is a snug fit, but it did not pinch my wrist as a few other chain did, an looks great for daily wear.
US $250.99 x 1 piece
Review by Jyotsna J From USA Willis
Reviews Longines L5.686.4.73.6 Pink Watch

3 /
5 stars)]
awesome price!!! fast delivery